Naam Yoga
Naam Yoga is a complete science and yogic practice that works with sound, movement, and breath to restore the flow of vital energy throughout the entire body. It is an invaluable self-healing technology that balances the brain, the glandular, digestive and nervous systems, allowing people to experience vibrant health and well-being.
Naam Yoga enhances the body’s capacity to nourish itself, much like a tree, with high quality solar prana, bringing oxygen to the brain, strengthening the heart, clearing theenergetic pathways of the body and detoxifying and nourishing organs. It supports the body in building and activating the reservoir of healing energy located in the lower abdomen while stimulating the heart and its large vessels and expanding lung capacity with techniques unlike most forms of exercise.
Naam Yoga is a complete science and yogic practice that works with sound, movement, and breath to restore the flow of vital energy throughout the entire body. It is an invaluable self-healing technology that balances the brain, the glandular, digestive and nervous systems, allowing people to experience vibrant health and well-being.
Join Jara Milman in this Shakti Naam class as she shares her story of Naam healing and ways to maintain immune health and cope with autoimmune disorders. This class focuses on cultivating practices to increase our capacity for self-love and is appropriate for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual and physical practice.
Shakti Naam puts you in touch with your divine power. It fills you with prana (life force) so you can be magnetic and healthy. Shakti Naam exercises are designed to slow down the aging process, strengthen the immune system and keep disease away. Classes focus on deep breath work, sound meditation & dynamic movements to provide detoxification, vitality & strength.
This class is a merging of the technology of Naam yoga and the healing properties of medicinal plant essences. In each class, you will be guided to put the essence of a plant on specific points of the body that are known to restore harmony and wellness on a cellular level. Applying the knowledge of Naam movement, breath and sacred sound we will consciously create the platform for vitality, happiness and peace on all levels of our being: mind, body and spirit.
Experience the healing power of sound through Naam. In this unique class you will go through a variety of healing hand seals combined with seed sounds, sacred chants and breath work. At the end you will experience a gong bath as this powerful instrument is played for approximately 30 minutes while you relax in shavasana. This is one of the most healing experiences you can have in a yoga class setting as the frequencies of the gong’s vibration bring your own into harmony.