OUR Community

Naam New York is a yoga, meditation and healing community

At NAAM New York we strive to deliver a unique and uplifting experience for each of our students. We would love to help by recommending a personalized combination of classes and healing services to manage a number of health disorders both physical and emotional.



By making the art and science of Naam Yoga available, our goal is to help people of all physical capacities achieve permanent self-healing, with a unique emphasis on community and raising global consciousness. Universally inspired, the center offers a wide range of yoga disciplines, Universal Kabbalah studies, Harmonyum Healing, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Yoga Therapy, Teacher Training programs, and much, much more. It is our belief that true healing takes into account the physical, emotional, and mental nature of humankind, and at Naam New York we strive to provide the quickest and most effective modalities of healing currently available. By healing ourselves on an individual level we affect those around us and our entire community.